Day 4
Today we were offered two options: an exploration of the Bergerac area to learn more about truffles; or a wine tasting and lunch at a nearby château in Pomerol, followed by a afternoon tour and tasting, of some Saint-Émilion appellations.
This was definitely a hard choice- truffles or wine?
The first option did include a rather long bus ride, approximately 4 hours, if I remember correctly, so we opted for option two. Both sounded amazing and the other group did say it was a wonderful tour, even though it was longer than Gilligan’s Island.
We had a lovely lunch and tour at Château Siaurac, next to the famous estate, Petrus. We ordered several bottles of wine to be shipped home which made it much easier through customs and avoided a possible mishap in our luggage. After all, no one wants to get home and open up a suite case and see all of your clothes turned to a lovely shade of Bordeaux!
Later that afternoon, we took a tour to Saint-Émilion, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, where we spent a pleasant afternoon exploring the town’s winding streets and lovely shops. One particular storefront sparked our interest at the top of the hill. Yes, you guessed it…it is no surprise that we found ourselves in a wine shop and purchased a few more wines to include a Chateau Margaux and several others from the region. Not to exclude my mother’s favorite Montrachet, though it is from Burgundy.
A bit of a back story…my father nicked named me Margo when I was young and I had always been interested to taste this particular wine, ever since my first visit to France. It doesn’t hurt that it is also one of the most prestigious houses in Bordeaux, being one of France’s five first growth Premier Grand Cru producers.
That evening, my father surprised me at dinner with a bottle of Chateau Margaux. Viking‘s wine menu is on point! While he didn’t buy me my first bottle, he wanted to make sure he was with me the first time I sipped and savored such an iconic wine. One that catapulted my love and discovery of this amazing craft of wine making.